Fall 2012 Update from Gamma Alumni Assc #5


The following are some quick updates and requests I have:

Football Tailgate Sponsorships

Unfortunately, I’ve had 2 alumni cancellations for this week’s UCLA pre-game tailgate due to kickoff timing/fact the team sucks, etc. I’ve only found 1 replacement so I’m scrambling to fill a spot. In addition, here are other home football game pre-game tailgate sponsorship status. Note – In exchange for the pre-game sponsorship of $100 that goes towards food you get a free parking spot.

– 10/6 vs UCLA: Charlie Schadowitz, Mike Barnes, Duncan Ng (1-2 spots still open)
– 10/20 vs Stanfurd: Scott Keller, Ed Bustamante, Carlos Andrade, Miguel Carriedo, Neil Shah, Eric Evans, Ari Barkan (all spots taken)
– 11/2 vs UW: Adrian Fernandez, Freddy Fernandez, Cory Dean (1-2 spots still open)
– 11/10 vs Oregon: Frank Winton Jr, Cory Dean (2-3 spots still open)

Please email me asap if you can fill a sponsorship spot.

Also, we do accept alumni beverage fund donations ($10/person). Please let me know if you are planning to attend an upcoming game and want to contribute.

Deftos/Chang Memorial Activity

The Deftos/Chang Memorial Pledge Activity is scheduled for Friday, Oct 19th at approx. 8 pm at the Deftos Memorial Tree. We are still working on completing the replanting of the tree by the activity date. The tree replanting was made possible by Alumni Donations. We should have an update on the replanting timing sometime next week. If you plan to attend please email me. I’ve only gotten one response to my bulletin on 9/18.

Thanks and see you on Saturday at the Chapter House.

Juan Serrano
Alumni Board President